キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 4月23日 02時28分

There often comes a point in a long process when it seems easier to quit than keep on going. If you give in to that temptation you will also often get buried under feelings of loss, disillusionment and sadness. You have a choice in that moment to either let the experience leave you devastated or to pick yourself back up from your own darkness and get back on the path. Some postures teach you strength, others flexibility. This pose is about endurance, about staying the course through moments of strength and flexibility, about picking yourself up out of a hole so deep that the light almost disappears. Parsva Dandasana is about finding love in a hopeless place, growing beauty out of mud, turning metal into gold. In the spiritual alchemy of yoga there is no greater gift that the slow, steady perseverance that makes you be stronger #onebreathatatime #practiceyogachangeyourworld


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