キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 4月19日 20時46分

New York, New York ❤️ The magic of this city never gets old to me. I still remember the first time I came to NYC, bright eyed and full of wonder, and all I did was look up at the buildings, amazed at the history, the dream, the magic of it all. So different from Florida where I grew up. NYC has a charge, an energy that's palpable just walking walking down the street. It infects you like a virus, but in a good way, so that you're infected with the city's energy ? I discovered Mysore Style Ashtanga Yoga when I lived in NYC and made my first trip to India from JFK airport (complete with lost bags!). Although I thought I had moved to NYC to finish graduate school, I ended up going to India and walking down a road that I never imagined I would. I'm thankful every day for the gift of this practice and thankful to the amazing teachers in NYC like @eddiestern and Govinda Kai for holding the space of the traditional practice when I first started Mysore Style practice. #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ✈️ Leaving tonight but I'll be back in July teaching at Pure Yoga NYC Details online (scroll down to July to sign up): http://pureyoga.com/apps/mindbody/enrollments


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