キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 4月18日 04時23分

If you've got to roll around in the mud you may as well have a good time doing it ? Do the best with what you've got and don't waste another second wishing you could be someone other than who you are. You are perfect and worthy of love just the way you are. Life is too short to focus on what's missing with the idea that someday when you collect a bunch of things or accomplish a series of goals that you will be happy. The only happiness you have is a reflection of the love in your heart right now. If you wait to be happy some day out in the future, that mythical day may never come and you may wake up to find that you have missed the chance to enjoy the ride of life while you were on it. Cherish every second of your life right now because you don't when it will all change. Appreciate all that you have, all the love and blessings that surround you. If you can't see the love in your life right now then no matter how much success, money, fame or worldly things you go out and get, they will always leave you empty inside. Train the mind to see reality clearly and when you do you will see the basic truth that only love is real. Like the Beatles song, Can't buy me love ... because love is free and priceless and it's everywhere and no one owns it, but love belongs to every single one of us as our birthright and spiritual inheritance. #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime Photo by @alesigismondi


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