キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 4月17日 21時29分

Sometimes the more you want something the more you have to let it go. If you push and push against a place that doesn't want to budge more often than not something (probably you) will break. In the moment when you want nothing more than to fix it and make it work according to your terms, the biggest act of strength is often surrender. It takes humility to realize that you can't solve everything, that you can't do it alone, that you can't force it even if you want to. Opening the hips in yoga is pretty much just like this. If you force, fight, beat, whack or badger your body it will break before it opens and then you're left healing the injury. For the body to open it has to has to feel safe, for your dreams to happen you have to give them space. You can't control everything nor should you try. Relax, trust, have faith. And keep practicing.... All is coming ? #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime Photo by @wandakochphotography


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