キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 4月17日 02時32分

How many times have your feeling been hurt by something someone else said or did to you? We are all such sensitive beings, so easily wounded and we can hold grudges, make emotional wars or just be cranky when our feelings are hurt. But think about this: every single time someone is unloving towards you it is because love is missing from their Iives. Their hearts are empty, they are in pain, so much so that they might not even be aware of it or willing to admit it. As soon as you see that the person who you think wronged you is suffering and actually needs your help and your love, compassion is the only response. Love is so powerful that it can break through anger, sadness, depression and reveal the truth, the simple truth, that we are all worthy of love, that when we are empty inside we are searching for love, that we have love inside of us we have no choice but to share it with everyone around us. Love the people in your life, love them through the small moment when they might say something that hurts your feeling, love them so big and so complete that sooner or later they will believe they are worthy of it and let it all in. #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime Photo by @ifilmyoga


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