キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 4月22日 01時48分

Yoga is a ultimately personal practice, a solitary journey made with the humble steps of breath, movement and inner awareness. But along the way you need the support of teachers and friends who illuminate the path ahead, offer just the right words to keep you going and maybe even pick you up when you stumble and fall. If you ever practice on your own without the guidance of a teacher you know how difficult it is to motivate and challenge yourself both on the mat and on the inner terrain. Today was a day like that for me, I was feeling tired and sore and unmotivated to practice. But because I used my resolution to drag my butt down to take class @miamilifecenter with @timfeldmannyoga I did so much more than I would have on my own. It's easy to take your teachers and friends for granted when everything is light and free, but you really appreciate them when you're feeling dark and twisted and they lift you up and shine a little light on your path. Grateful to be a student today ?? #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime Photo by @saraiyoga


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