キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 11月1日 00時02分

Would you believe that this pose took me nearly two years of toppling over before I found the balance? Well it did. And handstand took even longer. Five years. Along the way I doubted myself nearly every day. But I kept practicing and slowly I became stronger.
You don’t have to be good at yoga to start practicing. You just have to be willing to try (and possibly fail). Yoga doesn’t have to be easy from your first try. If it feels difficult or challenging, then you have an opportunity for growth and transformation. The biggest shift is always the internal. I like to say that if you fall 1,000 times you get up to ty again with just a little more humility and compassion each time. The journey of strength is really the journey to the center of the heart.
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
Photo by @ifilmyoga
Day 14 #StrongandSuppleYogi Pinchamayurasana @fitnessbyerin @omstarsofficial Sorry I didn’t post yesterday. I took the day off and needed the rest. Last night I slept for almost 11 hours. And now I’m about to practice ?‍♀️
Tune in live on my YouTube channel and follow me there if you don’t already:


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