Be as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit. Yoga is a home-coming. After a long and tumultuous journey through emotional ups and downs, you find your way down the winding path back to yourself. The journey was always circular, you were always looking for yourself. You may have gotten lost or stuck, but you were never going to quit until you found the truth about who you really are. You are not the ego, or the small self that gets stuck in “I” and “mine”, but the true self, made perfect in spirit. _ If you have ever felt like you just don’t fit in, if you have been surrounded by people but felt utterly lonely, and if you have spent your life searching for your “people”, the practice has the answer for you. Your home is in the spirit. Deep within the subtlety of the inner body there is a timeless, eternal truth, a voice of equal parts wisdom and compassion. If you learn to listen, you will discover that a gentle hand has been guiding you, protecting you and providing for you every moment of your life. It’s not just the universe in general, it’s the presence of the Eternal Divine, and you are loved, special and cherished for exactly who you are. It’s overwhelming to let that magnitude of love in, to feel the unconditional heartbeat of the universe beating for you, but it’s true. And you can feel it if you take time to tune in right now. The entire spiritual heritage of yoga leads you up to this peak. _ Once you experience total immersion in the rapturous presence of God, there is no turning back. There is only surrender and infinite love. _ #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ? _ Practice with on @omstarsofficial ?

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 10月28日 06時08分

Be as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit. Yoga is a home-coming. After a long and tumultuous journey through emotional ups and downs, you find your way down the winding path back to yourself. The journey was always circular, you were always looking for yourself. You may have gotten lost or stuck, but you were never going to quit until you found the truth about who you really are. You are not the ego, or the small self that gets stuck in “I” and “mine”, but the true self, made perfect in spirit.
If you have ever felt like you just don’t fit in, if you have been surrounded by people but felt utterly lonely, and if you have spent your life searching for your “people”, the practice has the answer for you. Your home is in the spirit. Deep within the subtlety of the inner body there is a timeless, eternal truth, a voice of equal parts wisdom and compassion. If you learn to listen, you will discover that a gentle hand has been guiding you, protecting you and providing for you every moment of your life. It’s not just the universe in general, it’s the presence of the Eternal Divine, and you are loved, special and cherished for exactly who you are. It’s overwhelming to let that magnitude of love in, to feel the unconditional heartbeat of the universe beating for you, but it’s true. And you can feel it if you take time to tune in right now. The entire spiritual heritage of yoga leads you up to this peak.
Once you experience total immersion in the rapturous presence of God, there is no turning back. There is only surrender and infinite love.
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
Practice with on @omstarsofficial ?


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