キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 10月21日 02時13分

Handstand press used to be the holy grail of yoga practice for me, primarily because I couldn’t do it to save my life. I remember feeling so frustrated when I pushed with all my force and nothing happened. It felt like my feet were glued to the ground and my hips weighed a ton. Someone even suggested that maybe I’d never do it because my thighs were so thick compared to how small my arms were and I was just too much of a weakling to build strength. I was like thanks for your unsolicited feedback, but I’m going to keep trying. I got on my mat every day and I worked for my dream. Handstand press was the high mountain peak that took me five years to climb. And when I did I realized that the strength I was looking for was always there in y heart, in my soul, in the grit that kept me practicing and believing against all odds. A little technique helps, but it’s all about the journey to the center of yourself, where truth and beauty love eternally.
Day 4 #StrongandSuppleYogi is Handstans Press Prep from the fourth class by @fitnessbyerin on @omstarsofficial ? Her tips are awesome!!! We’ve got so many handstand videos on the channel so if you’re obsessed like I was it’s like a goldmine.
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime
Photo by @ifilmyoga
Practice every day for the challenge with us on www.omstars.com ?


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