It has to mean something. All this yoga can’t just be for the poses. There has to be a deep shift in consciousness at the heart of every action. Stopping at the physical is like cutting the Journey short when you’ve just taken the first step. Giving lip service to a set of ideals without action to back it lacks integrity. You have to stand up for what you believe in. _ But maybe the first is figuring out what that is. So, what do you stand for? What do you want your life to be about? _ I started yoga out a sincere desire to change my life. I was never interested in only looking good. I wanted something real and true. It is the search for meaning and authenticity that lead me both to India to meet my teachers and to get back on my mat every day for nearly 20 years. Dedication and determination mean something when the intention is right. Focus and effort only pay off when the target is set right. If you aim off course then the whole journey may take you to a dead end. Idolizing one standardized ideal of a yogi and then trying to make yourself fit into that box perpetuates that all you familiar feeling of not being good enough. But if you set you aim at the deepest truth, if your heart yearns for spiritual liberation and if you dare to stand up for that with every breath, then your world is already a whole and complete place. _ It’s not just the time on the mat that matters. In fact, out of the total hours of any given day you’ll only spend a few (if that) on the mat. It’s how you decide to live your life in every moment that matters. Make it count. Stand for something. Be real. Be true. _ My new #yogiassignment is all about how to live the Yogi life. It’s about letting the practice affect you so deeply that you have no choice but to change your life. As a Yogi you begin to think differently and take responsibility for all your choices, whether in food or clothes. You will never be perfect or get it all right, but you will find the tools to make your world a better place. _ #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ? Photo by @tiagophotofilm _ Link to Order my new book is in my bio ? Practice with me online @omstarsofficial ?

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 10月9日 10時18分

It has to mean something. All this yoga can’t just be for the poses. There has to be a deep shift in consciousness at the heart of every action. Stopping at the physical is like cutting the Journey short when you’ve just taken the first step. Giving lip service to a set of ideals without action to back it lacks integrity. You have to stand up for what you believe in.
But maybe the first is figuring out what that is. So, what do you stand for? What do you want your life to be about?
I started yoga out a sincere desire to change my life. I was never interested in only looking good. I wanted something real and true. It is the search for meaning and authenticity that lead me both to India to meet my teachers and to get back on my mat every day for nearly 20 years. Dedication and determination mean something when the intention is right. Focus and effort only pay off when the target is set right. If you aim off course then the whole journey may take you to a dead end. Idolizing one standardized ideal of a yogi and then trying to make yourself fit into that box perpetuates that all you familiar feeling of not being good enough. But if you set you aim at the deepest truth, if your heart yearns for spiritual liberation and if you dare to stand up for that with every breath, then your world is already a whole and complete place.
It’s not just the time on the mat that matters. In fact, out of the total hours of any given day you’ll only spend a few (if that) on the mat. It’s how you decide to live your life in every moment that matters. Make it count. Stand for something. Be real. Be true.
My new #yogiassignment is all about how to live the Yogi life. It’s about letting the practice affect you so deeply that you have no choice but to change your life. As a Yogi you begin to think differently and take responsibility for all your choices, whether in food or clothes. You will never be perfect or get it all right, but you will find the tools to make your world a better place.
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
Photo by @tiagophotofilm
Link to Order my new book is in my bio ?
Practice with me online @omstarsofficial ?


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