キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 10月2日 10時24分

I had one of those nights that you wake up from doubting everything. I woke up in two hour intervals with strange dreams with twists and turns that leave you wondering what exactly is going on in the subconscious mind. I sat on my mat and instead of really practicing sat dumbfounded as I rehashed old memories from over 20 years ago. I did anyhow manage to practice and somewhere around backbends it shifted for me. Yoga works not because you always fly but because you have a safe space to process and work on your stuff. In a world of crazy, yoga is sanity.
And then I had one of those days that makes everything feel so right. Like you get every green light and are just in the flow. I'm so happy and so exhausted and so grateful.

We've been filming for @omstarsofficial cooking up the NYC episode of Global Yogi and an urban meditation course. I had the honor of teaching Ashtanga Yoga to a full house of yogis. Tomorrow I'll be doing a book talk, signing copies of my new #yogiassignment book and giving out free hugs @strandbookstore at 7 pm. See you there! Link to sign up and buy my book is my bio. I'll be teaching and signing books in a lot of US cities this Fall. Check my full schedule on www.kinoyoga.com ?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime

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