I was going to post an asana pic, but this is a more direct representation of how I feel. Problems are complicated, happiness is so often simple. The good in every situation outweighs the bad. It just has to. If it doesn't, it's not over yet. _ Here's something I like to do when things seem difficult and totally stuck: I try to give things time. I saw try because when things feel stuck my first inclination is to try and fix them. If you feel the urge to lash out, type an angry text or do something rash, you'll probably regret it later. The more you want to reply, defend yourself, talk your point through, the more you may find yourself beating a dead horse or fighting a pointless fight. In the chess game of the emotional body, the best case scenario is a non-zero sum game, where no one loses. But to see the path where everyone wins and everyone is happy you need to be calm, tuned in to wisdom and rooted in love. As long as you're reacting you're not acting. When you're caught in the storm it's hard to see how easy it can be to find your way out. _ Remember this: no matter how sticky any situation is, there is a way out. It often starts with valuing yourself, listening to your own voice and honoring that and finding the time and space to return to the simplicity of being happy. When you're happy it changes your perspective on everything. Make your job your own happiness and stick to it. Return to this simple technique: pause, take ten deep breaths. Then look around. Feel sun on your face, the gentle breeze, and let life wrap itself around you like a tender embrace. You're loved, you're on a unique mission and these are all just bumps on what is an exciting, fulfilling journey filled with love. _ #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ? _ So many exciting things are happening this week!!! First, I'm flying back to home today after being gone for almost two months. I leave Japan with a full happy heart. _ My new #yogiassignment book launches tomorrow!!!! Last chance to preorder. ? _ An all new full length practice course launches on @omstarsofficial today! Stay tuned to find out what it is ?

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 9月25日 16時12分

I was going to post an asana pic, but this is a more direct representation of how I feel. Problems are complicated, happiness is so often simple. The good in every situation outweighs the bad. It just has to. If it doesn't, it's not over yet.
Here's something I like to do when things seem difficult and totally stuck: I try to give things time. I saw try because when things feel stuck my first inclination is to try and fix them. If you feel the urge to lash out, type an angry text or do something rash, you'll probably regret it later. The more you want to reply, defend yourself, talk your point through, the more you may find yourself beating a dead horse or fighting a pointless fight. In the chess game of the emotional body, the best case scenario is a non-zero sum game, where no one loses. But to see the path where everyone wins and everyone is happy you need to be calm, tuned in to wisdom and rooted in love. As long as you're reacting you're not acting. When you're caught in the storm it's hard to see how easy it can be to find your way out.
Remember this: no matter how sticky any situation is, there is a way out. It often starts with valuing yourself, listening to your own voice and honoring that and finding the time and space to return to the simplicity of being happy. When you're happy it changes your perspective on everything. Make your job your own happiness and stick to it. Return to this simple technique: pause, take ten deep breaths. Then look around. Feel sun on your face, the gentle breeze, and let life wrap itself around you like a tender embrace. You're loved, you're on a unique mission and these are all just bumps on what is an exciting, fulfilling journey filled with love.
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
So many exciting things are happening this week!!! First, I'm flying back to home today after being gone for almost two months. I leave Japan with a full happy heart.
My new #yogiassignment book launches tomorrow!!!! Last chance to preorder. ?
An all new full length practice course launches on @omstarsofficial today! Stay tuned to find out what it is ?


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