Do you believe in heaven and hell? I believe we create our own reality with the power of our thoughts. Heaven is a place that you enter with discipline, humility and grace. Hell is a destination you doom yourself to with anger, jealousy, and fear. You decide. Heaven or hell is right here right now. That realization is at once liberating and terrifying. _ Think about much time you spend each day practicing negative thoughts. Complaint, self pity, depression, panic, anger, panic, grasping, control, drama, fear, eyes-popping-out-of-your-head emergencies are all deals you make with the devil in a false perception of power. Except we don't make the deal consciously. We let those thoughts creep in because they seem sensible, they appear like righteous thoughts when in fact they are the worst temptation. Goodness is as much effort as it is anything else. Discipline is about sacrifice because you have to let go of all that familiar groove from the past if you want a new life. Yoga works because it helps you break free of the chains of the past. The habit pattern of the mind can lead you to liberation or into more suffering. Train the mind to see love and you will experience love. Train the mind to see peace and you will be in peace. It sounds simple but it's your life's most important work. _ #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ? _ Photo by @ifilmyoga ? _ Click the link in my bio to Order my new Yogi Assignment book! ? Practice with me online @omstarsofficial ? _

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 9月15日 07時08分

Do you believe in heaven and hell? I believe we create our own reality with the power of our thoughts. Heaven is a place that you enter with discipline, humility and grace. Hell is a destination you doom yourself to with anger, jealousy, and fear. You decide. Heaven or hell is right here right now. That realization is at once liberating and terrifying.
Think about much time you spend each day practicing negative thoughts. Complaint, self pity, depression, panic, anger, panic, grasping, control, drama, fear, eyes-popping-out-of-your-head emergencies are all deals you make with the devil in a false perception of power. Except we don't make the deal consciously. We let those thoughts creep in because they seem sensible, they appear like righteous thoughts when in fact they are the worst temptation. Goodness is as much effort as it is anything else. Discipline is about sacrifice because you have to let go of all that familiar groove from the past if you want a new life. Yoga works because it helps you break free of the chains of the past. The habit pattern of the mind can lead you to liberation or into more suffering. Train the mind to see love and you will experience love. Train the mind to see peace and you will be in peace. It sounds simple but it's your life's most important work.
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
Photo by @ifilmyoga ?
Click the link in my bio to Order my new Yogi Assignment book! ?
Practice with me online @omstarsofficial ?


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