キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 9月12日 21時22分

Thank you to everyone for the Happy Birthday wishes. If I could wish for anything I'd ask to be immersed in an imperturbable peace, to shine with radiant happiness, to move with freedom, ease and grace, not only in the good times, but also in the bad and be strong enough to believe in my dreams and never give up.
If you want to do something for me for my birthday, you can help me raise money and awareness for Hurricane Relief @unitedwaymiami
Here are your options:
1. Comment and tag a friend on my last post and help me exceed 10,000 comments within the next five hours. Thanks to @liforme we will be raise $20,000 for Hurricane Relief if we each our goal!! ?
2. Click the link in my bio and donate. Every dollar makes a difference. The recovery effort will be long and grueling and many people don't have insurance to cover devastating property damages. ?
3. Join @omstarsofficial before the end of the month. If you were on the fence about joining, not only do we have so much new content, but we are donating $1 for every new subscriber until the end of September. We are also donating 10% of profits from our online store through the end of month. All funds go to @unitedwaymiami ?
We are the change we are waiting for.
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
Photo @infinity99


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