There sometimes seems to be an obsession with being the best and whole books are devoted to teaching you how to be a number one. It's like there's a false promise being made by the social contract that says if you work the hardest you'll get worth the most. Sometimes being overworked and exhausted is like a badge of honor in our fast-paced culture. Well, really, I've started to wonder why we are we obsessed with being the best and having the most. Perhaps it's because we think once we get to the top and we are surrounded by all we have, then we will finally be worthy and validated. Somewhere hiding in what appears to be a meritocracy is the idea that you'll earn your worth. You can earn respect, but worth is something else. _ When we start yoga that yearning doesn't go away. You have to see it and recognize in yourself before it will shift. Usually in the practice the paradigm of more-is-better surfaces as the burning desire to "get" a pose and then another one and another one. We try to accumulate poses like material possessions under some idea that the more advanced the poses we have the better yogi (or person) we are. But it's that paradigm that needs to change. _ Your worth is innate. You don't need to do anything to make it. It's already there. No matter how hard you try you'll never get all the poses. Even if you're the best at something for a little while, it won't be an eternal reign. Maybe what we need to learn is how to stop making kingdoms out of our desires. Then we can set ourselves free from the chains of I and mine and learn the beauty of us and we. _ The solution isn't to stop practicing advanced poses or working hard at your job. The solution is all about your mindset. Do you do handstands because they bring you joy? Or do you do them because you're trying to prove that you're good enough? _ Drop the fight. Live in love. Make peace with where you are. Let every action come rest in the simple truth of your worthiness. _ #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ? Photo by @supersoulyoga _ P.S. No updates from Miami from Hurricane Irma. Trying not to freak out that I haven't heard from my parents yet. Mom, if you read this text me! ?

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 9月11日 03時06分

There sometimes seems to be an obsession with being the best and whole books are devoted to teaching you how to be a number one. It's like there's a false promise being made by the social contract that says if you work the hardest you'll get worth the most. Sometimes being overworked and exhausted is like a badge of honor in our fast-paced culture. Well, really, I've started to wonder why we are we obsessed with being the best and having the most. Perhaps it's because we think once we get to the top and we are surrounded by all we have, then we will finally be worthy and validated. Somewhere hiding in what appears to be a meritocracy is the idea that you'll earn your worth. You can earn respect, but worth is something else.
When we start yoga that yearning doesn't go away. You have to see it and recognize in yourself before it will shift. Usually in the practice the paradigm of more-is-better surfaces as the burning desire to "get" a pose and then another one and another one. We try to accumulate poses like material possessions under some idea that the more advanced the poses we have the better yogi (or person) we are. But it's that paradigm that needs to change.
Your worth is innate. You don't need to do anything to make it. It's already there. No matter how hard you try you'll never get all the poses. Even if you're the best at something for a little while, it won't be an eternal reign. Maybe what we need to learn is how to stop making kingdoms out of our desires. Then we can set ourselves free from the chains of I and mine and learn the beauty of us and we.
The solution isn't to stop practicing advanced poses or working hard at your job. The solution is all about your mindset. Do you do handstands because they bring you joy? Or do you do them because you're trying to prove that you're good enough?
Drop the fight. Live in love. Make peace with where you are. Let every action come rest in the simple truth of your worthiness.
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
Photo by @supersoulyoga
P.S. No updates from Miami from Hurricane Irma. Trying not to freak out that I haven't heard from my parents yet. Mom, if you read this text me! ?


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