キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 7月23日 23時18分

#currentmood ? How about you? Comment below if you're spending you're Sunday snoozing. ?
I am seriously not a morning person. When my alarm went off today at an embarrassing 8 am I was like, what is that? We didn't even get to bed too late, I just love sleep. I could sleep ten to eleven hours a night if I have nothing else to do. I suffer when I have to get up before dawn. I really cherish a lazy day where I get to sleep in (I need more of these) And @timfeldmannyoga snapped this pic of me and called me a sleepy head. I dragged myself out of bed around 8:30 am and made it down to the beach not too much later. I know, rough life. But it's a Sunday and I'm not on an airplane or working or doing anything other than chilling this morning. Well.... I was thinking of going live for a moon day meditation. What do you think? Want to join?


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