キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 7月14日 22時24分

In search of something real and authentic, you realize that the most transparent and true thing you do every day is get on your mat and practice.
Yearning for a new hero after all your heroes have long since gone, disappeared, or quit, desperate for someone who is true, who walks the talk, not just talks the talk, you decide this time it has to be you, that you have to be your own hero for this next chapter of your life.
Exhausted by all the drama, fatigued from all the hysteria, crying out for peace, you quietly turn your attention inward and find the true light burning within, and, finding yourself filled with faith, reborn and renewed, and you choose to never give up.
Hurt, wounded, beaten, abused, cried out, thrown out, forgotten, looked over, unwanted, burdened from pain, and alone, you drop the familiar story of the victim and pick up the shattered pieces of your broken heart and begin again, with the decision to believe in a love everlasting, a stubborn hope that you will be stronger, a courageous resolve to change your world, one breath at a time.
This is yoga. This is why I practice. How about you?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
Photo @dtufino_photo ?


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