キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 7月10日 02時43分

To be a student is single most blessed experience of the yoga journey. What keeps me humble, real and accountable on my path is to have a teacher. There is nothing more complete that the moment if surrender when your teacher asks you to do something you cannot do on your own, something you maybe even fear, but because you have faith in them, you soften, your trust, you open. Thank you Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and R. Sharath Jois, for believing in me long before I believed in myself, for making me do things I never dreamed possible and for carrying the torch of Ashtanga Yoga to the world. Happy #gurupurnima day. Guruji, I still miss you, but I feel you every time I get on my mat and every time I have the honor to share Ashtanga Yoga with others. Practice and all is coming ?
Photo by @ifilmyoga ?
For everyone that doesn't have a regular teacher, you can start the practice at home. I practice mostly at home and then go to visit my teacher whenever I can. Online videos, books, and yoga friends can be a support for your journey just like they are for me. Whenever I fe like I am losing the inspiration to practice all I have to do is hear Guruji say the opening prayer and I instinctively want to get on my mat an practice. ?


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