Infinite patience brings immediate results. If you're willing to wait it out, let it take the time it takes, not rush it, then all things are possible. I am, however, not a naturally patient person. When I have an idea that I am excited about I usually want it to happen yesterday. I dream and there is no way that I can control all the moving parts that are necessary for my dreams to come to fruition. I have to sit tight while the dream unfolds around me. With unwavering faith and the humility to put in the work little by little each day, all things are possible. Who you are is who you are meant to be. We are all really just walking the long road home, to the center of ourselves. Today's #YogiAssignment is the Pratyagati, the Long Road, the Journey Home. So many students push their bodies towards an asana goal only to get injured along the way, myself included. Rushing the journey into the inner body only creates more of the same tension that caused the body to close up and lock down in the first place. The body heals when it feels safe. Pain, tightness and weakness are all messages from the body. Yoga teaches you how to listen to the body's language and feel the subtlety and beauty of your inner body. Yoga is a road back to the center of yourself. You can run if you want to, but isn't it nicer to stop and smell the flowers, share a few moments of intimacy and cherish the journey? #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime Tune into @kinoyoga Periscope for the live discussion now. Check out to see the dream that @beachyogagirl and I have been working on for the last few months (link in bio).

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 8月25日 16時53分

Infinite patience brings immediate results. If you're willing to wait it out, let it take the time it takes, not rush it, then all things are possible. I am, however, not a naturally patient person. When I have an idea that I am excited about I usually want it to happen yesterday. I dream and there is no way that I can control all the moving parts that are necessary for my dreams to come to fruition. I have to sit tight while the dream unfolds around me. With unwavering faith and the humility to put in the work little by little each day, all things are possible. Who you are is who you are meant to be. We are all really just walking the long road home, to the center of ourselves. Today's #YogiAssignment is the Pratyagati, the Long Road, the Journey Home. So many students push their bodies towards an asana goal only to get injured along the way, myself included. Rushing the journey into the inner body only creates more of the same tension that caused the body to close up and lock down in the first place. The body heals when it feels safe. Pain, tightness and weakness are all messages from the body. Yoga teaches you how to listen to the body's language and feel the subtlety and beauty of your inner body. Yoga is a road back to the center of yourself. You can run if you want to, but isn't it nicer to stop and smell the flowers, share a few moments of intimacy and cherish the journey?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime
Tune into @キノ・マクレガ― Periscope for the live discussion now. Check out to see the dream that @beachyogagirl and I have been working on for the last few months (link in bio).


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