キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 8月20日 00時05分

Hello Copenhagen ? The sun is shining. It's a brand new day. Everything is a blessing. Even those things that seem like obstacles are actually blessings. There is a divine plan unfolding in your favor. There are powerful forces at work in your life that are fighting for your happiness. Today's #YogiAssignment is Discernment. The grand plan of our destiny belongs to our higher power. Truth, beauty and greatness are not the domain of the ego. In order to trust the path ahead and know which way too you need the power to discriminate between the truth and untruth, between the eternal and the temporal. If one road closes its often because a better one is waiting for you. Don't rush or you might mess up the all the moving parts. You know when it all works out, when like magic things seem to fall effortlessly into place, when all the cards fall in your favor. These moments happen not out of will, but out of surrender. Set your mind to any situation and take no action until you can discern what is the best course. Wait for guidance, listen with your heart, then follow it. #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime Photo by @timfeldmannyoga


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