People ask me all the time how I motivate myself to practice on my own at home. I have days where I feel uninspired, heavy, lethargic and simply do not want to practice. But I do it anyway. The feeling of being on my mat so dramatically changes my day and the quality of my life that it’s just simply worth it. I started this practice out of a sincere desire to live a more peaceful life. I traveled to India to meet Sri K. Pattabhi Jois 15 years ago in search of a steady light on the spiritual path. Guruji told me that I would find what I was looking for in “many years of practice”. Then, he said, “Shantih is coming, no problem.” Since that fortune meeting I have never doubted or wavered from the desire to get on my mat every day. When I’m tired, I get on my mat. When I’m injured, anxious, sad, angry, happy, joyful, jet-lagged, I get on my mat. Whether I’m practicing with my teacher Sharath (Guruji’s grandson) in Mysore, at home in Miami, in a random hotel room while traveling, I get on my at least once a day. Whether it’s a dedicated full 90 minute practice or just five minutes of meditation yoga is so much a part of my lifestyle that it’s not something that I question, it’s just a part of who I am. Today’s #YogiAssignment is Motivation. If I can’t conceptualize the idea of a full practice I just go and stand on my mat. Then I give myself permission to just do five minutes of Sun Salutations. But usually after that I want to do more and end up doing the full practice. When I’m feeling really uninspired to practice all I have to do is hear Guruji’s voice saying the magic words, “Ekam inhale” and my body is suddenly thirsty for the practice. Called Prayukti in Sanskrit, we all need a little positive motivation to drag ourselves out of bed when the alarm goes off and you’re exhausted. You could join a yoga challenge, practice with friends, read yoga books, join a class or watch yoga videos online. Do you want to see my top recommend reading list for spiritual inspiration? How do you motivate yourself to get up and practice? Tag the person who motivates you, share your secret motivation.

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 8月23日 16時50分

People ask me all the time how I motivate myself to practice on my own at home. I have days where I feel uninspired, heavy, lethargic and simply do not want to practice. But I do it anyway. The feeling of being on my mat so dramatically changes my day and the quality of my life that it’s just simply worth it. I started this practice out of a sincere desire to live a more peaceful life. I traveled to India to meet Sri K. Pattabhi Jois 15 years ago in search of a steady light on the spiritual path. Guruji told me that I would find what I was looking for in “many years of practice”. Then, he said, “Shantih is coming, no problem.” Since that fortune meeting I have never doubted or wavered from the desire to get on my mat every day. When I’m tired, I get on my mat. When I’m injured, anxious, sad, angry, happy, joyful, jet-lagged, I get on my mat. Whether I’m practicing with my teacher Sharath (Guruji’s grandson) in Mysore, at home in Miami, in a random hotel room while traveling, I get on my at least once a day. Whether it’s a dedicated full 90 minute practice or just five minutes of meditation yoga is so much a part of my lifestyle that it’s not something that I question, it’s just a part of who I am. Today’s #YogiAssignment is Motivation. If I can’t conceptualize the idea of a full practice I just go and stand on my mat. Then I give myself permission to just do five minutes of Sun Salutations. But usually after that I want to do more and end up doing the full practice. When I’m feeling really uninspired to practice all I have to do is hear Guruji’s voice saying the magic words, “Ekam inhale” and my body is suddenly thirsty for the practice. Called Prayukti in Sanskrit, we all need a little positive motivation to drag ourselves out of bed when the alarm goes off and you’re exhausted. You could join a yoga challenge, practice with friends, read yoga books, join a class or watch yoga videos online. Do you want to see my top recommend reading list for spiritual inspiration? How do you motivate yourself to get up and practice? Tag the person who motivates you, share your secret motivation.


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