How long will it take before I can do a handstand, backbend or full lotus? I wish I could say a few weeks, but really it's more likely going to be a long time. It took me five years to really feel stable in handstands. The journey into backbends is a descent into the emotional body that seems to never end. If you have a long habituated pattern of stress and tension that results in a near chronic pain, expect to commit yourself to a longterm life transformation. Today's #YogiAssignment is Dirga Kala, a Long Time. My teacher Sri K. Pattabhi Jois said, "The practice of yoga is very difficult, while lifetime take practice, some small benefit there for you." Far beyond attainment of any asana, Guruji judged success in yoga by how much peace is in the person's heart. That makes handstands and backbends look relatively easy. Think of the spiritual journey of yoga as rebuilding the innermost temple of the true self. After a period of neglect and emotional warfare, reverence and sacredness were swept aside and lost in the rubble. When you start the practice with sincerity to live a more peaceful life you are essentially restoring yourself to your pure state and rebuilding the temple walls. It takes time. Commit yourself to daily practice and with patience and devotion over many years you will find not only handstands and backbends, but a life of inner peace built around the sacred temple of the true self within. With this as your foundation you will always remember who you really are. You are bright. You are beautiful. You are bigger than anything that seeks to drag you down. Never judge yourself by whether or not you can do a yoga pose. Instead, ask yourself if you are living a more peaceful life #onebreathatatime #practiceyogachangeyourworld Follow me on @kinoyoga Periscope right now for the full discussion. Check out (link in bio) to start the journey of yoga with me and @beachyogagirl today!

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 8月26日 16時45分

How long will it take before I can do a handstand, backbend or full lotus? I wish I could say a few weeks, but really it's more likely going to be a long time. It took me five years to really feel stable in handstands. The journey into backbends is a descent into the emotional body that seems to never end. If you have a long habituated pattern of stress and tension that results in a near chronic pain, expect to commit yourself to a longterm life transformation. Today's #YogiAssignment is Dirga Kala, a Long Time. My teacher Sri K. Pattabhi Jois said, "The practice of yoga is very difficult, while lifetime take practice, some small benefit there for you." Far beyond attainment of any asana, Guruji judged success in yoga by how much peace is in the person's heart. That makes handstands and backbends look relatively easy. Think of the spiritual journey of yoga as rebuilding the innermost temple of the true self. After a period of neglect and emotional warfare, reverence and sacredness were swept aside and lost in the rubble. When you start the practice with sincerity to live a more peaceful life you are essentially restoring yourself to your pure state and rebuilding the temple walls. It takes time. Commit yourself to daily practice and with patience and devotion over many years you will find not only handstands and backbends, but a life of inner peace built around the sacred temple of the true self within. With this as your foundation you will always remember who you really are. You are bright. You are beautiful. You are bigger than anything that seeks to drag you down. Never judge yourself by whether or not you can do a yoga pose. Instead, ask yourself if you are living a more peaceful life #onebreathatatime

Follow me on @キノ・マクレガ― Periscope right now for the full discussion. Check out (link in bio) to start the journey of yoga with me and @beachyogagirl today!


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