キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 5月6日 06時34分

There is a narrative of success I’m interested in deconstructing. Western culture values the triumph of the self-made person and accentuates solitary endeavors. The myth of the capitalist meritocracy deepens the cycle of power, creating blindness around privilege and inflating a false sense of independence. The truth is that we stand on so many shoulders. Reality is interdependent. No one does anything alone. We are in community whether we choose to recognize and value that fact or not. What we do to the least among us is what we do to ourselves. How we treat the lowest is how we treat ourselves. There is in fact no “other”, no “separate”—only images of ourselves reflected back at us in the heartbeat of another. How we get there is where we are. A belief in a winner-take-all system, be it economic, spiritual or emotional, relies on a scarcity model where only a select few benefit. I reject that system entirely. We are not against one another. I am not against you or else I would be against myself. I am for you as much as I am for myself. Social change starts from within. Change the operating system and you change everything. Start with your own mind and let it spread like a virus (in a good way). Question the assumptions that you’re most afraid of collapsing. Test every hypothesis with a clear mind and be willing to let what isn’t right go. Truth needs no defense. It simply is. Love needs no brick wall around it. It flows for eternity, even to places and people that abuse and misuse it. Be like love and truth. Defenseless and vulnerable. Calm and receptive. Open-hearted and strong as steel.
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime
Photo @ifilmyoga
Outfit @liquidoactive
Day 5 #everydayjoyofyoga is Navasana on @omstarsofficial with @yogakait 🙏


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