キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 7月16日 22時27分

Let the whole world laugh at you. Let them doubt you, ignore you, try to disprove you. It doesn't matter if you love what you do and you own your truth. Once the light is burning in your soul there is no way you cannot shine. You don't turn a lamp on and put it in a closet. You let it shine. Because really who are you not to? Today's #YogiAssignment is Shine Bright. Imagine if the sun decided not to rise because people complained that it was too hot. Imagine if apple trees stopped producing fruit because they overheard someone say that oranges were better. Imagine if a sunflower decided not to bloom because someone said its stalk was dangerously too high. Ridiculous. So who are you not to rise up and do exactly what you were put here to do? Embrace your true self. Be fierce. Be fearless. #BeYourOwnStar #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime Photo by @beachyogagirl


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