キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 5月23日 01時31分

Yesterday @codyapp launched my new Ashtanga Bundle! So many of you have been anxiously awaiting the Second series, and now it’s finally here!
codyapp.com/ashtangabundle (link in bio)
This 2-part bundle is the perfect way to delve into the traditional practice of the Ashtanga Method. It consists of over 12 hours of teachings across 29 different lessons and full-length practices. You will begin with the Primary series, where I will break down postures such as Warrior, Marichyasana and Sun Salutations point by point to help you build a solid foundation in the Ashtanga Method.
The Second Series will continue to advance your physical fitness and mental clarity as you deepen your backbends, hip openers, and inversions with movements including Bakasana, Nakrasana, and the Ten Headstands. Together we will work the edge of what you believe is possible in your Yoga practice as well as within your mind. Ashtanga is a physical challenge and mental journey, and I hope you join me on this experience of transformation and peace. I have dedicated the past 15 years of my life to Ashtanga Yoga and it means so much to me to share my passion with you!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



