キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 5月21日 18時56分

The yoga practice will give you a tool box that you can pull out in times of need, like when you're stressed, tired, upset or just generally annoyed. Today's Yogi Assignment is ten deep breaths. At some time today pause, take stock of your current state and then close your eyes and consciously follow the breath for a slow, steady count of ten. You could count your breaths backwards, saying ten in, ten out all the way down to one or you could apply the deep resonant Ashtanga Yoga breathing. You could do this to start or end your practice, or hold a difficult pose for ten deep breaths or you could pause amidst an intense situation in your life to get some mental space or you could apply the technique before responding to an important communication. After just ten conscious breaths, open your eyes and take stock again of your current situation. Share the results of your experiment with me below. Imagine if instead of arguing or reacting from the past in sticky situations in trained yourself to always take ten deep conscious breaths before acting, think about how many personal wars could have been avoided and how much more love and light there would be in the world. Follow me on snapchat to see where I'm doing my ten deep breaths today. #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime #YogiAssignment


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