キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 5月21日 04時42分

There is space for you to follow your dreams. Just because someone has the same dream as you doesn't mean that you won't succeed or that you should quit trying. While it can seem like some people lead charmed lived where every opportunity seems to just fall in their laps while you are sitting there with the short end of the stick, that doesn't mean the tides won't shift in your favor one day. I personally love rooting for the underdog, the start up with no funding, the band or actor with no agent or legacy, the no-name brand that quietly builds a cult following. Starting from scratch with the odds against you and nothing but faith to drive you forward requires the unshakable faith that comes from knowing your true self deeply. Just because someone else gets to the top of the mountain first doesn't mean that they will be the only one with a compelling story to tell about the journey. You have a valuable and unique gift to share with this world. See it, believe it, be it. Because really, who are not to share your gifts? You are as bright and beautiful as you will allow yourself to be. #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime Photo by @yogiyannii Shorts by @ALO Yoga Top by @marahoffman Bracelets and mala by @omishadesigns #YogiAssignment


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