キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 5月20日 21時28分

Yoga means more than just stretching the body, yoga is giving back to the world. Today your Yogi's Assignment is Seva, acts of selfless service done in honor of love, offered to the world out of the purity of your heart with no expectation of thanks or recognition are a form of devotion (watch my snapchat for more details). What you do with no hope of reward is a form of yoga. Today go out into the world and ask where you can be of service, where a random act of kindness can make a positive difference in the world around you. Hold the door open for someone, hold the elevator, help someone carry their groceries, pay for the cup of coffee for the person behind you online. Or make it more personal, look at the people who are in your inner circle like your life partner, children, siblings, or parents and ask yourself what you can do to serve them today. Are they stressed and could use a little massage or a hug? Is there something you could take off their plate today just to make their lives easier? Do you accept the mission today? Let your whole life be a holy offering and a sacred prayer, let every breath be an act of reverence, let every action come from love. Be strong enough to be a force of healing in the world. Shine bright. #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime #YogiAssignment


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