キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 3月8日 10時09分

The emotional world can be a minefield, but it's not a war, no matter how wounded you might feel. Really we are all just looking for love, for a way to connect, for someone we can trust who is worthy of our love. We play games, sabotage ourselves, keep our hearts under lock and key because we are hurt, wounded and we don't know how to heal. Going into life with an open heart can feel like walking into the battlefield without any armor, like being sent out as lambs amidst the wolves. But that's the task of spiritual warriors, to walk out into the open territory of the heart with no protection and lay down all of your arms and learn that most brave thing you can do is trust another person and love them even when they let you down. As humans we are fallible, we stumble and we fall. Our strength and greatness lies not in our perfection but in our vulnerability. It is only God's grace that is truly perfect, truly worthy of our ultimate surrender, our highest expectations, our deepest yearning for love and fulfillment. Perhaps our search for love is really a search for God and as we learn to feel the presence of divinity we will have all the love we have been searching for outside of ourselves right here in our own heart. #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime Wearing @ALO Yoga Photo by @ashtangayogacenterbkk


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