キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 3月8日 00時26分

Allow yourself not to know how things "should" be. The more you're set in the terms upon which you will agree to something the more you're actually holding yourself away from getting it. We do not create our success in a vacuum. We need other people to share our journey and make it meaningful through the sharing. The more you have to have life a certain way, the more you make your truth the absolute truth, the more your way is "the" way, the less space you give for other people to be themselves, to think their own perhaps equally valid but potentially contradictory thoughts, to trust you to share their journey. If you want to share the dance of life with a partner you need to make space for them. Be flexible in body and mind. Be open in heart and soul. Be happy in spirit and grace. #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime Photo by @ashtangayogacenterbkk


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