キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 3月7日 08時55分

Yoga is everywhere, or it can be if your heart and mind are open to it. Some people think I'm a show-off and an exhibitionist and they've got a point, there is a performer in me somewhere and in another life I might have been on stage (maybe in the circus ?). I believe that you can experience deep connection and inner peace even in the most chaotic and crazed places. Yoga does not belong solely to a private place where you can control all the variables, it's a part of life, where you have no hope at controlling all of the variables. You don't know when your heart will crack wide open, so be prepared. You don't when an angel is going to visit you, so live your life with integrity every day. You don't know when everything is going to fall apart, so be strong and equanimous so that when it does it won't break you. Yoga happens not just on the mat but in random moments throughout your life. Yoga happens when you think outside the box of normal just long enough to let the extraordinary song of your own joy and happiness reverberate through your whole being. #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime Wearing @ALO Yoga Photo by @ashtangayogacenterbkk


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