キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 3月6日 20時21分

So many people comment about how dirty my hands must be after handstanding on the streets. I'm prissy about a lot of things but not some street dirt on my hands. Maybe that's the club girl in me left over from a past life or maybe I've got the naive idea that nothing on the outside that I might touch on the streets is more damaging than negative thoughts that might come from the inside. I figure my hands are washable and as long as nothing gets under my nails and I avoid animal droppings, it's all good. This towel is down not because it was extraordinarily dirty but because it was extraordinarily hot. It was a roasting 98 F / 37 C that cooked the concrete beyond what I could bear for more than a few seconds. It feels like you could fry an egg on the concrete, but I would not actually try... And I can't remember the last time I ate or made a fried egg anyway so how would I really know? And I'm not complaining about the heat, I like it actually, reminds of home, Miami and Bangkok have the same humid, mildly oppressive air balanced by freezing air conditioning in every indoor space. I gotta say, I love Thailand ? Photo by @ashtangayogacenterbkk Wearing @ALO Yoga My tank top was hand torn for me by @tesaipin ?


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