キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 3月6日 23時38分

Kapotasana from Koh Samui last year. Happy to be in Thailand and kinda sad that I'm not stopping at any of the islands this trip. There are some places we keep under lock and key, guarded deeply within the chambers of the heart. When we practice yoga a little light seeps in through the cracks and we start to share our vulnerability. It's a slow, steady process of peeling away the outer layers to reveal the tender wounded being inside. Revealing the inner self is like a flower coming into bloom. If you're too forceful, impatient or demanding you'll damage the bud before it has a chance to open. If you neglect it and forget about it, the flower might wither and dry up. You need just the right balance, not too much force, not too much attention, and then the flower will share its beauty with you. Remember this analogy next time you find yourself facing a backbend that is deeper than you can naturally do. Tend to your body and mind like you would a small flower. Be patient, kind and loving and create the safe space for your mind and body to open and one day it will. #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime


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