Focus on the light, especially when it’s dark. See the good in every situation, even when it feels like nothing is fair. Fight for the truth, especially when no one else seems to care. Be nice, be kind, but don’t let anyone steam roll you or bully you or take advantage of you or use you. _ Sometimes when I write it’s like I’m giving myself a pep talk. There’s a lot going on in the business world of yoga behind the scenes these days, not all of it good. It feels like I’m being pushed into a corner that I’m going to have fight my way out of. I’m not interested in “winning”, but I am deeply concerned about being manipulated or having my message, teaching and voice used for something that I’m not in alignment with. _ If someone says they’re doing you a favor but it doesn’t feel like it, it’s probably not a favor. In fact, I may be done with favors in general. I like random acts of kindness with no strings or expectations attached. I like clear business exchanges. But favors I’m not so sure about anymore. Quid pro quo, I scratch your back so you’ll scratch mine, has always felt sleazy to me. Maybe I’m just too black and white? I don’t know. But these kind of “trader” relationships where one person does you a favor thinking they’ll have one in the bank for later, this emotional score keeping doesn’t sit well with me. I’d rather just put all the cards on the table and say it straight. _ Sooner or later everything that’s in hiding comes out. Sooner or later the truth is revealed. Truth is simple. Kindness is pure. Love is unconditional. When life ends and we cross this bridge into the hereafter we don’t get to bring anything with us except the love in our heart. When you stand at the edge of your life and look back you’ll see everything in panoramic relief. You’ll see not just what you wanted, but how every single thought and action impacted the world, and when the scales of justice fall what matters is how much you loved more than anything else. _ I practice yoga bc it makes me a better person. When my heart is full I have more love to give. When I’m at peace, I bring peace to my world. It’s that simple. #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 11月27日 00時57分

Focus on the light, especially when it’s dark. See the good in every situation, even when it feels like nothing is fair. Fight for the truth, especially when no one else seems to care. Be nice, be kind, but don’t let anyone steam roll you or bully you or take advantage of you or use you.
Sometimes when I write it’s like I’m giving myself a pep talk. There’s a lot going on in the business world of yoga behind the scenes these days, not all of it good. It feels like I’m being pushed into a corner that I’m going to have fight my way out of. I’m not interested in “winning”, but I am deeply concerned about being manipulated or having my message, teaching and voice used for something that I’m not in alignment with.
If someone says they’re doing you a favor but it doesn’t feel like it, it’s probably not a favor. In fact, I may be done with favors in general. I like random acts of kindness with no strings or expectations attached. I like clear business exchanges. But favors I’m not so sure about anymore. Quid pro quo, I scratch your back so you’ll scratch mine, has always felt sleazy to me. Maybe I’m just too black and white? I don’t know. But these kind of “trader” relationships where one person does you a favor thinking they’ll have one in the bank for later, this emotional score keeping doesn’t sit well with me. I’d rather just put all the cards on the table and say it straight.
Sooner or later everything that’s in hiding comes out. Sooner or later the truth is revealed. Truth is simple. Kindness is pure. Love is unconditional. When life ends and we cross this bridge into the hereafter we don’t get to bring anything with us except the love in our heart. When you stand at the edge of your life and look back you’ll see everything in panoramic relief. You’ll see not just what you wanted, but how every single thought and action impacted the world, and when the scales of justice fall what matters is how much you loved more than anything else.
I practice yoga bc it makes me a better person. When my heart is full I have more love to give. When I’m at peace, I bring peace to my world. It’s that simple.
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime


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