Happiness is your choice. Comment with ? if you’re choosing happiness today. _ There will always be people who see the clouds in a clear sky. It may indeed rain on them but there’s no reason why their stormy views should cloud your perfect day. Sometimes being strong means being willing to walk away from toxic people and unhealthy situations. If there’s someone whose co-dependence is latching on to every moment of joy you experience with a latent jealousy you have to cut them loose. Not every battle is worth the fight. In fact, some battles are unwinnable. There are people who will never allow themselves to be wrong, admit mistake or apologize. You don’t need these people in your life and you don’t need to waste another second trying to explain your truth to them. Just walk away. Leave them to their own mister. Turn them over to God. Then realign yourself to your own path. Dance to the beat of your own happiness. Sing the song of your own joy. That’s all you’re ever meant to do anyway. _ Holidays can be difficult for many people. This will be the first Thanksgiving without my Dad. There’s something about loss that makes life crystal clear. I see so clearly now how each moment spent in complaint and negativity is a door to darkness. No matter how much you love someone if they spend their days dragging you down you have to put your own sanity first. Even if they’re doing it unconsciously, it’s not an excuse for you to sit around and wait for them to evolve while you suffer the effects of their emotional cloud. For today, and for every day of this precious life, I choose happiness. Yes, I put myself first. Call it selfish, but I will not spend one more moment out of alignment just because my brightness makes someone else feels insecure. I’m here to shine. You’re welcome to join me on the sunny side if life. ? _ #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 11月24日 02時56分

Happiness is your choice. Comment with ? if you’re choosing happiness today.
There will always be people who see the clouds in a clear sky. It may indeed rain on them but there’s no reason why their stormy views should cloud your perfect day. Sometimes being strong means being willing to walk away from toxic people and unhealthy situations. If there’s someone whose co-dependence is latching on to every moment of joy you experience with a latent jealousy you have to cut them loose. Not every battle is worth the fight. In fact, some battles are unwinnable. There are people who will never allow themselves to be wrong, admit mistake or apologize. You don’t need these people in your life and you don’t need to waste another second trying to explain your truth to them. Just walk away. Leave them to their own mister. Turn them over to God. Then realign yourself to your own path. Dance to the beat of your own happiness. Sing the song of your own joy. That’s all you’re ever meant to do anyway.
Holidays can be difficult for many people. This will be the first Thanksgiving without my Dad. There’s something about loss that makes life crystal clear. I see so clearly now how each moment spent in complaint and negativity is a door to darkness. No matter how much you love someone if they spend their days dragging you down you have to put your own sanity first. Even if they’re doing it unconsciously, it’s not an excuse for you to sit around and wait for them to evolve while you suffer the effects of their emotional cloud. For today, and for every day of this precious life, I choose happiness. Yes, I put myself first. Call it selfish, but I will not spend one more moment out of alignment just because my brightness makes someone else feels insecure. I’m here to shine. You’re welcome to join me on the sunny side if life. ?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime


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