Yoga is about so much more than pretty poses and beautiful pictures. I do recognize the irony and seeming hypocrisy of that statement. I mean look, here I am posting a pretty pic of a handstand. And you could even argue that handstands are their own blessing and curse in the world of yoga. In one sense both handstands and idyllic imagery are inspiring and encourage people to start or keep practicing. But on the other hand they can be off-putting and exclusionary and make you think you need to check off all the boxes before you’re a good enough. Having all the boxes checked off in some fantasy world created from external imagery, such as having the right clothes, shape, location, skin/hair/eye color, size, etc. means that you’ve bought into someone’s notion of “rightness”. When their seems to be a uniformity in the world of yoga, or in any community, in others when we all start to look the same I get a little weary. _ When there’s a standardization of form, almost like a uniform that yogis have to wear to fit in, I want to rebel against it all and reclaim authenticity. The deepest truth of yoga cannot be bought, commercialized, packaged or marketed for sale. It is a deeply personal experience of the Divine. _ Nature is filled with diversity. That is, nature is diverse until we start to interact with it and impose our systems on it. Take agriculture. Now, I’m not saying there’s anything per se wrong about cultivating crops. But just as an example, a natural apple (or any fruit) orchard will have different types of apple trees with fruits of different sizes and shapes. A conventional apple orchard today grafts one type of apple on strong root stock creating uniformity and same-ness. This has its benefits. Every time you each a Fuji apple you’re enjoying the fruit of nature and science. But when this same urge for sameness and standardization is applied to the human population I feel like we lose what makes us, well, human. I want my human world to be more like the natural orchard, especially my yoga world. As many ways of being human, that’s how many ways there are of being a yogi. Yoga starts by loving yourself for exactly who you are, as you are right now.

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 11月3日 22時37分

Yoga is about so much more than pretty poses and beautiful pictures. I do recognize the irony and seeming hypocrisy of that statement. I mean look, here I am posting a pretty pic of a handstand. And you could even argue that handstands are their own blessing and curse in the world of yoga. In one sense both handstands and idyllic imagery are inspiring and encourage people to start or keep practicing. But on the other hand they can be off-putting and exclusionary and make you think you need to check off all the boxes before you’re a good enough. Having all the boxes checked off in some fantasy world created from external imagery, such as having the right clothes, shape, location, skin/hair/eye color, size, etc. means that you’ve bought into someone’s notion of “rightness”. When their seems to be a uniformity in the world of yoga, or in any community, in others when we all start to look the same I get a little weary.
When there’s a standardization of form, almost like a uniform that yogis have to wear to fit in, I want to rebel against it all and reclaim authenticity. The deepest truth of yoga cannot be bought, commercialized, packaged or marketed for sale. It is a deeply personal experience of the Divine.
Nature is filled with diversity. That is, nature is diverse until we start to interact with it and impose our systems on it. Take agriculture. Now, I’m not saying there’s anything per se wrong about cultivating crops. But just as an example, a natural apple (or any fruit) orchard will have different types of apple trees with fruits of different sizes and shapes. A conventional apple orchard today grafts one type of apple on strong root stock creating uniformity and same-ness. This has its benefits. Every time you each a Fuji apple you’re enjoying the fruit of nature and science. But when this same urge for sameness and standardization is applied to the human population I feel like we lose what makes us, well, human. I want my human world to be more like the natural orchard, especially my yoga world. As many ways of being human, that’s how many ways there are of being a yogi. Yoga starts by loving yourself for exactly who you are, as you are right now.


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