The past is gone. It's never coming back. If your heart is broken, you have to pick up the pieces and start again. I can't tell you how many times I've been exactly where I am right now, when my best hopes for someone or something came crumbling down and I stand staring at a mountain that feels impossible to climb. Each time the voice of doubt crept in, I'd hear the words of my teacher telling me to be stronger and I'd find just enough faith to keep going, keep believing. Only you can walk your own path. Even if someone is taking aim at you with the intention of bringing you down, it's up to you to stay true to yourself and keep focused on the goal. A steady mind is able to stay centered amidst great storms. _ I see the best in people, which is both good and bad. It's hard for me to see people's shadow which means I have often allowed myself to be taken advantage of or used. There were times in the past that I let things slide even though I knew they crossed a line. Once a student that I asked to assist me refused to follow my directions and kept overriding my teaching in my class. I should have nipped it in the bud, but I didn't. I wanted to believe that someday this student would get it, that they'd wake up to a shared sense of common decency and human behavior that respects every being. I do actually believe that eventually we all will wake up to the truth, even if it's our last breath on Earth. I guess where I am now is in a space where I'm deciding whether or not I want people in my life who may take the rest of their life to grow into the highest potential that I see in them. _ I'm always growing and evolving. If you take my class one year, it will probably be different the next year. If the last time you took my class was five or ten years ago, I'm operating in a whole different vibration. I shed my skin and am born again. When you're ready, I welcome you to join me in the world-changing vibration I live in now. It's filled with deep peace, real love and kindness, patience, joy and happiness. _ #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ? _ I was just live for a meditation. Did you join? Comment below ?

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 8月14日 04時16分

The past is gone. It's never coming back. If your heart is broken, you have to pick up the pieces and start again. I can't tell you how many times I've been exactly where I am right now, when my best hopes for someone or something came crumbling down and I stand staring at a mountain that feels impossible to climb. Each time the voice of doubt crept in, I'd hear the words of my teacher telling me to be stronger and I'd find just enough faith to keep going, keep believing. Only you can walk your own path. Even if someone is taking aim at you with the intention of bringing you down, it's up to you to stay true to yourself and keep focused on the goal. A steady mind is able to stay centered amidst great storms.
I see the best in people, which is both good and bad. It's hard for me to see people's shadow which means I have often allowed myself to be taken advantage of or used. There were times in the past that I let things slide even though I knew they crossed a line. Once a student that I asked to assist me refused to follow my directions and kept overriding my teaching in my class. I should have nipped it in the bud, but I didn't. I wanted to believe that someday this student would get it, that they'd wake up to a shared sense of common decency and human behavior that respects every being. I do actually believe that eventually we all will wake up to the truth, even if it's our last breath on Earth. I guess where I am now is in a space where I'm deciding whether or not I want people in my life who may take the rest of their life to grow into the highest potential that I see in them.
I'm always growing and evolving. If you take my class one year, it will probably be different the next year. If the last time you took my class was five or ten years ago, I'm operating in a whole different vibration. I shed my skin and am born again. When you're ready, I welcome you to join me in the world-changing vibration I live in now. It's filled with deep peace, real love and kindness, patience, joy and happiness.
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
I was just live for a meditation. Did you join? Comment below ?


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