キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 8月2日 04時59分

You have to feel it all. There is so much of life that is unlived, so much of the body that is unfelt. Only by dropping the mind into the inner space of the body will you wake up to truth of who you are. It isn't easy. It's a journey. You will cry and ache and the tender vulnerability of your heart will be there for everyone to see. You'll laugh and smile too, when the dust settles and when you realize that this is the truth, that it feels so much better to be free. Being transparent isn't about oversharing, it's about making yourself open enough so the light shines through. Feel everything, listen to your body, because you can't bury your emotions. Even if the mind plays tricks on itself the body doesn't lie, it remembers everything with the innocence and heartbreak of a child. Practice brings you deep into the intelligence of the body, where wisdom and compassion lives. If you can't feel your own heart, if you're own love is blocked how can you empathize with someone else? Love is the only thing that matters. If it isn't about love, then what is it really?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
Photo by @ifilmyoga
Practice with me @omstarsofficial www.omstars.com


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