キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 8月6日 05時09分

Yoga is a world in itself, a bubble of shared awareness. Whenever I meet a yogi I feel like I meet a brother or sister. It doesn't matter if we don't speak the same language or even practice the same style of yoga, we share the same language of the body that is the practice. Because we have poured our hearts and souls into the practice we have suffered, cried, laughed and loved together. We understand what it means when we finally do a headstand or stand up a backbend for the first time. We know what it means to put in the work and grow, evolve and expand from the practice.
I love that yoga is a global phenomenon and I feel so honored to be able to see the world through the eyes of yoga. This picture was taken in Hong Kong by @tiagophotofilm and the Hong Kong episode of my Global Yogi series just launched on @omstarsofficial ? Have you watched? Leave me a comment below! We want to share so much more real life content of what it means to practice, live, breathe and just be a yogi. I can't wait to share more of the journey with you!
Sign up to practice with me online at www.omstars.com (link in bio). ?
Practice with me this summer in Europe:
Amsterdam: 8/11-14
Paris: 8/19-21
Vienna: 8/25-27
Copenhagen: 9/1-3
Zagreb: 9/8-10
Details on my website: www.kinoyoga.com ?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime

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