I've had a lot of people say a lot nasty crap about me. The ones who've said it to my face I respect, the ones who said it behind my back, I forgive, the ones I'm still friends with, I love bc we've been through the shit together and we're still good. _ If it doesn't feel right it probably isn't. It's up to you to tune in deeply and listen. If you can't look someone in the eye and do your best to avoid them, it probably means you have some atonement to make, something to face that you'd rather not. It's up to you to live with integrity. _ A student asked me what he should do after being injured by his teacher in class. My first question: did you tell you teacher? His response: no, I was too mad about it and I haven't been back to practice. My reply: go and talk to your teacher, see what he says, if he's kind and compassionate the talk will bring about healing, and if not, then at least you spoke to him face to face. To every student and former student of mine, please do me the honor and respect of coming to me directly with any issues. I want to hear it from you directly, not from someone else second hand as gossip and rumor. _ You know in your heart if something is morally sound. Somewhere inside we all do. But it's easy to fall into the temptation of justification. Righteous indignation paves the way for those who view themselves as victims to become perpetrators where any act of violence is acceptable because of perceived injustices. But while there are some actions that are understandable and even forgivable, that doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. We are all doing the best we can, we're not perfect. That's human. As yogis I'd like to believe that there is an unspoken code of honor between us, and even more so between teachers and students. Yogis are human beings, not enlightened masters talking down from a lofty cloud. But we are human beings united around a spiritual ethos. We strive to be better although we fail all the time. Little by little our world becomes a more peaceful place. But only if we're willing to drop the walls of competition, the need to the be the best, and open our hearts. _ #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 8月12日 01時11分

I've had a lot of people say a lot nasty crap about me. The ones who've said it to my face I respect, the ones who said it behind my back, I forgive, the ones I'm still friends with, I love bc we've been through the shit together and we're still good.
If it doesn't feel right it probably isn't. It's up to you to tune in deeply and listen. If you can't look someone in the eye and do your best to avoid them, it probably means you have some atonement to make, something to face that you'd rather not. It's up to you to live with integrity.
A student asked me what he should do after being injured by his teacher in class. My first question: did you tell you teacher? His response: no, I was too mad about it and I haven't been back to practice. My reply: go and talk to your teacher, see what he says, if he's kind and compassionate the talk will bring about healing, and if not, then at least you spoke to him face to face. To every student and former student of mine, please do me the honor and respect of coming to me directly with any issues. I want to hear it from you directly, not from someone else second hand as gossip and rumor.
You know in your heart if something is morally sound. Somewhere inside we all do. But it's easy to fall into the temptation of justification. Righteous indignation paves the way for those who view themselves as victims to become perpetrators where any act of violence is acceptable because of perceived injustices. But while there are some actions that are understandable and even forgivable, that doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. We are all doing the best we can, we're not perfect. That's human. As yogis I'd like to believe that there is an unspoken code of honor between us, and even more so between teachers and students. Yogis are human beings, not enlightened masters talking down from a lofty cloud. But we are human beings united around a spiritual ethos. We strive to be better although we fail all the time. Little by little our world becomes a more peaceful place. But only if we're willing to drop the walls of competition, the need to the be the best, and open our hearts.
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?


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