キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 3月29日 09時30分

My Top 7 Travel Hacks. People ask me all the time how I manage to stay sane amidst all the travel. As I sit here packing for two weeks, three cities and two continents, I realize I have it down to a science.
1. Pack only your favorite stuff. Don't bring lots of options. They take up space and you can always buy anything you really need.
2. Bring something with a touch of homey coziness like a candle, incense or lavender oil. It helps personalize hotel rooms.
3. Sign up for one airline frequent flyer network (I like One World). The more you fly within one network the more likely you will get upgraded.
4. Snacks. I always have some sprouted walnuts which are my absolute favorite. Choose something that is health, travels and packs well, is TSA approved.
5. Meditate and practice. Even if it's just for five minutes, doing my practice keeps me sane.
6. Stay alert. Double check your gate, your flight number and departure time. Look around, you might be able to lend a helping hand. Last week someone left their phone on the security belt. I saw and ran after them and returned the phone.
7. Digitalize. Check in online. Sign for TSA-pre check, global entry and every other automated service possible. Save loads of time. ✈️
What do you think? Did I miss anything? ?
Photo by @ifilmyoga


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