キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 3月19日 00時41分

I crave silence. Quiet restores me. In a world filled with sometimes deafening noise I search for the tune of peace. I find it in moments of aloneness, where in my space there is no one and no thing. Solitude is a necessary balance to the endless social presence. Intimacy with my own thoughts allows me to hear a more eternal truth underneath the pulsating madness around me. Yes, I love the chaos and crazy beauty of this world. But there is a part of me that feels at home in the simple purity of the spirit, in a space where all is light and love. If I don't spend a few moment in deep stillness each day I lose my center. I yearn for extended period of immersion in the inner world, to get lost in the infinite depth of the deep space within. The adventure I seek is not a temporary thrill, but a lasting glory, a brilliance so overpowering and deep that it obliterates everything else, leaves me in a rapture beyond all else. Something in me seems to feel today, wake me up to the dream of heaven's truth and let me never return to the slumber of ignorance again. When we carry the seed of heaven in our hearts, when we know exactly who we are and why we're here, then we are finally set free. ?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
Photo by @ifilmyoga


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