キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 3月28日 02時28分

I woke up today feeling down. I could've stayed at home and wallowed in it. But instead I dropped everything and went to the beach. And I gotta say, it may seem silly, but everything feels better at the beach. Maybe there's a lesson in it? When you feel a heaviness on your heart, don't push through and try to accomplish things. Put life on pause and do what makes you happy. Life can wait. Or, hold on a minute, this is life, the good stuff that brings you happiness and smiles. There will still be some clouds here and there, but one thing is certain, life isn't about emails. Those will get answered when they're meant to. But if you're miserable, anything you do will feel like a struggle. So get your happy place back and then pick up where you left off. Your change in attitude will shift the dynamic in your world. ?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
Watch my stories for the full behind the scenes of taking beach yoga pics.


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