キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 1月12日 21時53分

In between tears and gut-wrenching screams, after my body aches and I lie face down on the ground, when I am all alone and there is no one left to help me, when they think I am defeated and down for the count, that's when I decide who I am. I choose hope. I choose faith. I pick up all the shattered pieces of my broken dream and I start building again, slowly, carefully, a little bit better each time, braiding the fabric a little tighter each time. With each moment I rise up against the looming shadows of doubt and betrayal, and I realize that I am no longer afraid. I allow belief to grow once more inside of my heart. I stop watering the seeds of resentment, I turn away from the temptation of bitterness, I watch as the flames of anger die off. And with courage, bravery and deep peace, I let love tell me a story of redemption, of fulfillment and of joy. And I decide to make it true. ?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
Big news is coming soon. Stay tuned next week. ?
Next workshops:
Mexico City
Las Vegas
Details on www.kinoyoga.com

Photo by @ifilmyoga


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