キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 1月2日 04時45分

#happynewyear ?
Cherish all the love in your life. Take nothing for granted. All is temporary, here one instant and gone the next. Things change, people change, all that remains is the love you share. It's been over 14 years since I first met @timfeldmannyoga We're not perfect, we've been through a lot, shared highs and lows, laughter and sorrow, traveled the world, created a life built on one thing: the love we share. When I look into his eyes, when my body is next to his, when he makes me laugh like no one else can, it's all proof to me that the miracle of love wins out in the end.
#ibelieveinlove ?
Photo by @ifilmyoga


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