Not everything makes sense all the time. And that's ok. Sometimes you just need to sit with the uncertainty a little bit before you try to solve the problem. It's tempting to run to all the emotional fires in your life and try to put them out. But sometimes it's ok to just let them burn. Fire brings purification, heat, light and illumination. Fire may feel uncomfortable, but it's often exactly what we need. Sitting with discomfort and not immediately trying to fight back against it is one of the greatest lessons I've learned on the spiritual path. Being at peace when everything goes your way is one thing. Being at peace when things fall apart is another. I don't have all the answers. I make mistakes and get it wrong all the time. Sometimes I can't understand something everyone else can grasp quite easily. But when I get back up from every stumble I have just a little bit more strength and a lot more humility. Pride is a wall between you and your growth, take it down and admit your flaws and mistakes, lay yourself bare with open vulnerability, be radically honest and fearlessly intimate first with yourself and then with someone else. Sitting in the inbetween space of neither here nor there is like gazing into the birthplaces of stars and galaxies. You get a hint of greatness but that power is so raw and awesome it may swallow you up whole and spit you back out. There is an alternate wisdom of stepping back and allowing, a space of letting things be, a formless world of wonder that you can only enter with faith. Sit with the uncertainty, don't jump to make it right and let the path unfold before you, like truth revealing itself out of the fog of your own blindness, like a small seed of spirit that shines light like a laser beam straight through your soul. Being in India I feel inbetween worlds, neither here nor there. In the nether space of my own consciousness, a lost shore of recognition. There is much yet to do, but for today I sit here surrounded by all the beautiful chaos and choose to believe it will all be ok. ? . #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ? . Photo by @sigismondiphotography

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 1月3日 11時13分

Not everything makes sense all the time. And that's ok. Sometimes you just need to sit with the uncertainty a little bit before you try to solve the problem. It's tempting to run to all the emotional fires in your life and try to put them out. But sometimes it's ok to just let them burn. Fire brings purification, heat, light and illumination. Fire may feel uncomfortable, but it's often exactly what we need. Sitting with discomfort and not immediately trying to fight back against it is one of the greatest lessons I've learned on the spiritual path. Being at peace when everything goes your way is one thing. Being at peace when things fall apart is another. I don't have all the answers. I make mistakes and get it wrong all the time. Sometimes I can't understand something everyone else can grasp quite easily. But when I get back up from every stumble I have just a little bit more strength and a lot more humility. Pride is a wall between you and your growth, take it down and admit your flaws and mistakes, lay yourself bare with open vulnerability, be radically honest and fearlessly intimate first with yourself and then with someone else. Sitting in the inbetween space of neither here nor there is like gazing into the birthplaces of stars and galaxies. You get a hint of greatness but that power is so raw and awesome it may swallow you up whole and spit you back out. There is an alternate wisdom of stepping back and allowing, a space of letting things be, a formless world of wonder that you can only enter with faith. Sit with the uncertainty, don't jump to make it right and let the path unfold before you, like truth revealing itself out of the fog of your own blindness, like a small seed of spirit that shines light like a laser beam straight through your soul. Being in India I feel inbetween worlds, neither here nor there. In the nether space of my own consciousness, a lost shore of recognition. There is much yet to do, but for today I sit here surrounded by all the beautiful chaos and choose to believe it will all be ok. ?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
Photo by @sigismondiphotography


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