キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 4月11日 22時50分

Fill your whole being up with the vibration of love so much so that there just isn't space for anything else. Love that is the hidden the fabric of the universe that we get glimpses of in the peak moments of our life. When you choose love over everything else you choose the highest truth. Love isn't some fluffy theoretical idea, love is the most powerful force in the universe. We are born out of love, we create from love. Love is the fuel and fire of life. Love is consuming, all-encompassing, sometimes overwhelming in its grandeur. Love is the spiritual truth of all beings, the basic goodness of our nature and the benevolence of the universe. We leave nothing behind from our short lives except the love we have shared. Let love rule in your heart and mind. Choose love #onebreathatatime


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