キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 4月9日 22時15分

There is beauty all around you, even amidst the chaos. There is hope in your heart, even in the presence of darkness. There is love that surrounds you, even when it seems that all is lost. Find the small speck of light that seeps in through the cracks of this world and follow that all the way to your spiritual home. Ask not to achieve only worldly success, but to find meaning in everything you do. Ask not just for the biggest bank account, but for everything you do to be imbued with true value. Ask not to be made flawless, but for humility, grace and mercy for the moments that you will stumble and fall. Ask not to be sheltered and protected, but to be strong enough to weather the storm and brave enough to be of service when you're called. #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime


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