キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 1月15日 09時01分

Not every backbend has to be your deepest, just like not every posture has to be your maximum effort. Not every day has to be a peak experience. Sometimes what matters most is taking time to drop down enough to appreciate the small moments of intimacy rather than rushing towards the next big thing. Speed can be a kind of addiction, an escape from experiencing the simple beauty of the present moment. I'm a speedy person naturally, future oriented, goal setting, forward looking, upward striving. No harm in that as long as it's balanced and that self-worth isn't tied to the achievement (or failure). Fifteen years of yoga practice have taught me how to drop my mind deep within myself where there is a place of peace, an equanimous mind, a quiet voice of guidance and and a divine and unconditional love. #bestrong #practiceandalliscoming #onebreathatatime Photo by @yogiyanni_ Wearing: @ALO Yoga


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