キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 1月13日 09時30分

Yoga is a process of self discovery, an eternal journey into the center of yourself. Some people ask why we need advanced postures if yoga is about the inner journey. Handstand was one of my greatest struggles, it pushed me to limit of possibility, brought up so many of my personal issues (short arms, thick thighs, never a dancer/gymnast), that it opened a whole new world of awareness when I finally found balance. Everybody and every body needs to be challenged and there is a pose that will test everyone. Some people because of natural strength or flexibility will not find their edge until they try an advanced pose, but that doesn't make their journey more valid than someone who finds their challenge in a forward bend. Yoga is not a bend-off. Handstand is not the gold medal. What counts is the quality of work that you put in to being a better person every day #onebreathatatime


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